Digital Marketing Blogs

Read the latest Digital Marketing Blogs on Upskill Rocket to ahead & updated with the latest trends in the digital marketing Industry. Happy Reading ! 

keyword research tool

The Ultimate List of Free Keyword Research Tools

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influencer marketing

Everything regarding influencer marketing that you should know

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SEO audit

How to perform an SEO audit: In-Depth SEO Audit for Your Website

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PPC Marketing

The Fundamentals of PPC Marketing & How Does It Work?

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local seo

Local SEO guide for beginners: Improve your online presence

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Facebook ads

How to set up ads on Facebook ads manager

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Google ads

A guide to structuring your google ad campaigns for success

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Twitter analytics

How to use Twitter analytics

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Facebook analytics

How to use Facebook analytics

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email marketing campaigns

Benefits of using templates for your email marketing campaigns?

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B2B email marketing

How B2B email marketing can turn leads into sales

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Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics and how it works

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social media marketing

The art of storytelling through social media marketing

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Marketing automation

Mastering Marketing Automation: A guide to marketing automation

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WordPress website

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Website with WordPress

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SEO competitive analysis

How to do an SEO competitive analysis

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Email marketing

Types of email marketing and its benefits

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Content creator

Who are content creators and how can you be one

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